Noah did everything just as God commanded him. (Genesis 6:22)

Some people spend very little time reading the Old Testament.
I have heard some say that it is not as relevant as the New Testament, 
and not as interesting to read.
If God did not want us to read the Old Testament, then it would 
not have survived all of these years, along with the New Testament.
Anything that is created by God is worthwhile 
and we can learn a lot from the Old Testament.

In Genesis, we see a very short verse that speaks volumes.
One day God spoke to Noah about the wickedness of the human race. 
The actions of men and women grieved Him to the heart. 
God said that He intended to send a flood that would destroy mankind, 
and He told Noah to build an ark to save his household and the animals.

The Bible says that Noah ‘believed God’. 
Why did he believe God?
He believed Him because of the sincerity of his faith 
and his relationship with God.
This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, 
blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 
(Genesis 22:9)

Noah was not a part-time believer with an occasional faith.
We could probably visualize Noah and his family 
attending worship services every week of the year.
The people of his time probably thought, “I wish I could be more like Noah”.

Of course they could be like Noah, if they were willing to put God first.
That’s the problem today, isn’t it?
The world has provided so many things to lure us away from the Lord 
that many are unwilling or uncommitted to give Him first place in their life.

Noah had never seen a flood and he had never seen a 40-day rain. 
He had no weather map, no satellite photograph or meteorologist 
to tell him that a big storm was coming. 
All he had to go on was the Word of God. 
But when the flood came, Noah was spared and saved with his family, 
and the rest of the generation was swept away.

Noah was saved because he put his trust in God. 
The days of Noah are returning to earth 
and a catastrophe as great as the flood awaits those who refuse 
to enter into the ark of salvation, which is Jesus Christ.

Do you believe God as Noah did?
Is He first in your life, or have you allowed other things 
to replace the time you spend with Him and other believers?
If the Bible included a blurb about your life, 
would others be inspired to put the Lord first, 
or would they be discouraged over your weak faith and commitment?

“Heavenly Father, remind me if I have drifted away from giving You 
top priority in my life. Help me to live my faith in such a way that others 
would be inspired to know You, and not be discouraged by my lack of 
commitment. I may not be called to be a pastor, missionary, or teacher
but Your Word has shown me that I can encourage other believers, and 
point the lost toward Jesus by leaving no doubt that my faith is genuine,
and that You are the most important One in my life. Thank You for 
loving and saving me. Help me to show others how thankful I am for 
Your gift of salvation and the blessings I receive from You daily.”


About Don Woodruff

Retired from FedEx and dedicated to sharing God's Word with others. I send out devotionals weekly and have written two books: "The Crucifixion Catalyst / Unspoken Messages From God To Believers" (published and available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble **out of print**) and "I'm Saved Now What?" (unpublished). I am currently working on a third one that will be a Daily Devotional. The devotionals on my Blog have been viewed by people in all 50 states and over 80 foreign countries. I sincerely believe the Lord provides the content for the devotionals and in 2013 He “tasked” me with distributing them and storing them on my Blog. They are free and I will not solicit any donations. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to leave comments if one of them speaks to you personally, or if you have a suggestion.


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