“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, 
for they will be filled.” 
(Matthew 5:6)

I have heard many people say, “I just can’t seem to feel close to the Lord”.
They tell me that they attend church on a regular basis, pray daily 
and make every effort to show love for others.
Still they cannot seem to develop 
a daily comfortable relationship with the Lord.

What could possibly be standing in the way for them (and many of us as well)?
When we read Matthew 5:6, it appears that they (and we) 
might be failing to have a sincere hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Most everyone who calls themselves a Christian 
wants to be a righteous person,
but is there a burning desire for it, or just a casual hope?

We have to understand something here; 
if we do have that hunger and thirst righteousness, 
it doesn’t mean that God no longer expects us 
to attend church worship, pray, and love others.
On the contrary, 
it means that we will have a greater desire to do those things.

It is a privilege to walk in the way of Christ. 
It is a joyous experience 
to wake up every morning and feel His presence in the room! 
In the evening, when the sun is setting, it is thrilling 
to feel the presence of God as you go to bed and sleep 
with a peace that only those who know the Lord can experience. 
What a joy it is 
to feel the presence of the Lord daily as we live out our lives on earth!

Do you hunger and thirst 
to feel the presence of the Lord every day and night? 
Do you have a desire for joy, peace, contentment, 
and adventure in your own soul? 
God’s Word says that if you have a genuine hunger 
and thirst for righteousness, you “WILL” be filled.

Every promise God has ever made, He has kept (or will keep).
When you believe His promise,
it motivates you to increase your sincere desire to be righteous.
However, don’t get the idea that God will fulfill His promises 
if you have ignored His design for worship, 
and developed your own ideas of how you should worship.
Many have said, “I don’t have to go to church to worship”.
Certainly you can and should worship at home, 
but does that alone fulfill what God asks, commands, 
and expects of those who claim to be a child of His?
Not according to His Word (Hebrews 10:24-25).

You have a choice, 
you can do it your way and miss out on a close relationship 
with the Lord (and possibly Heaven itself), or you can obey His Word, 
develop a hunger and thirst for righteousness, and be filled.

“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to fill me when I hunger and 
thirst for righteousness. Forgive me for trying to worship in my own way, 
instead of obediently following what You ask and expect of those who truly 
belong to You. Lord, help me to change my focus, or anything else that needs 
altering, so that my hunger and thirst for righteousness will increase, 
and I can feel closer to You each day.”

About Don Woodruff

Retired from FedEx and dedicated to sharing God's Word with others. I send out devotionals weekly and have written two books: "The Crucifixion Catalyst / Unspoken Messages From God To Believers" (published and available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble **out of print**) and "I'm Saved Now What?" (unpublished). I am currently working on a third one that will be a Daily Devotional. The devotionals on my Blog have been viewed by people in all 50 states and over 80 foreign countries. I sincerely believe the Lord provides the content for the devotionals and in 2013 He “tasked” me with distributing them and storing them on my Blog. They are free and I will not solicit any donations. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to leave comments if one of them speaks to you personally, or if you have a suggestion.


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