“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
JOHN 13:14-15

The scriptures tell us that God hates 7 things and one of those things he hates is pride.
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
(Proverbs 6:16-19)

At the top of His list is “haughty eyes” which equates to pride.
The word haughty is defined by Merriam-Webster as “blatantly and disdainfully proud.”
It is at the opposite end of the spectrum from ‘humility’ (which is a Godly trait).
We’re not talking about pride in doing a good job;  we should always strive to do our best.
What we are talking about is arrogant pride, which is closely associated with egotism.
Arrogant pride causes a person to think that they are too good to do certain things.
They feel that they are ‘above’ being involved in menial tasks.

If asked, most people with arrogant pride would deny that they have that characteristic.
Let’s take a quick test.
Whenever you are at church (or anywhere else) and you see a bulletin
or other piece of paper lyingon the floor, what do you do?
Do you pick it up and dispose of it properly,
or do you walk past it and leave it for someone else to handle?
Do you say to yourself, “We pay people to take care of cleaning up the lobby or sanctuary”?
If you leave it, could it be that you did not stoop
to pick up someone else’s trash because it was “beneath you”?
If so, then you are displaying an attitude that you are better than everyone else.
How much of a ‘servant heart’ do you have?
Our attitude is revealed by where we draw the line in what we are willing to do.

The disciples were ‘all about’ serving their Master,
but were not willing to stoop to washing the feet of others.
It was mealtime and everything was available for completing the lowest of servant’s tasks.
However, not one of the disciples made a move to pick up the basin and towel.
It was obvious that no one was going to do what should be done.

Jesus gave them a living example of humility.
They would not stoop to wash the feet of others, but Jesus did.
He wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water in the basin
and began washing the feet of the disciples.
Then He explained, “…I have set you an example….” (John 13:15).
He showed the disciples that the very Master they served was willing to stoop to serve others.
Why?  Because even though others served Him, He was a servant Himself (a humble servant).

Anything God hates SHOULD NOT be a part of our lives
and when Jesus gives us an example to follow, that SHOULD be a part of our lives.
Ask yourself, “How low will I go to follow the example of Jesus and serve my Master?”
What is “beneath you”?
Pride is a danger that must be constantly monitored.
Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to the things you do
or don’t do that are signs of arrogant pride or egotism.
Then pray that He will help you to replace arrogance with humility.
Jesus ‘set an example’ for His followers.

About Don Woodruff

Retired from FedEx and dedicated to sharing God's Word with others. I send out devotionals weekly and have written two books: "The Crucifixion Catalyst / Unspoken Messages From God To Believers" (published and available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble **out of print**) and "I'm Saved Now What?" (unpublished). I am currently working on a third one that will be a Daily Devotional. The devotionals on my Blog have been viewed by people in all 50 states and over 80 foreign countries. I sincerely believe the Lord provides the content for the devotionals and in 2013 He “tasked” me with distributing them and storing them on my Blog. They are free and I will not solicit any donations. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to leave comments if one of them speaks to you personally, or if you have a suggestion.


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